Suiriri da Chapada / Chapada Flycatcher
Tapaculo-de-coleira /
Collared Crescentchest -
Udú-de-coroa-azul /
Amazoniam Motmot -
Chifre-de-ouro /
Horned Sumgem -
Soldadinho /
Helmeted Mankin -
Campaínha-azul / Blue Finch
Maracanã-verdadeira /
Blue-winged Macaw -
Beija-flor-tesoura-verde /
Fork-tailed woodnymph -
Uirapurú-laranja /
Band-tailed Manakin -
Seriema /
Red-legged Seriema -
Gavião-tesoura /
Swallow-tailed Kite -
Rufous-sided Pigmy-tyrant -
Beija-flor-de-veste-preta /
Black-throated Mango -
Maitaca-de-cabeça azul /
Blue-headed Parrot -
Saí-andorinha /
Swallow Tanager -
Surucuá-de-barriga-vermelha /
Blue-crowned Trogon -
Arara-vermelha /
Red-and-green Macaw -
Ema / Rhea americana
Observação e Fotografia de aves / Birdwatching
Com uma diversificada avifauna composta por mais de 400 espécies, que inclui muitos táxons do Cerrado e também várias espécies florestais, (pan-amazônicas e de influência atlântica) a Chapada é um conhecido hotspot de observação de aves desde os anos 80, principalmente por estrangeiros, mas a cada dia vem recebendo mais observadores de aves brasileiros com a popularização desse hobby por aqui.
A Chapada dos Guimarães também é frequentemente é adicionada como extensão nos roteiros que incluem o Pantanal (que fica a cerca de 160km). Entre as espécies da Chapada dos Guimarães que merecem mais destaque estão o Gavião-de-Penacho, Gavião-Pato, Gavião-tesoura (que nidificam dentro da Cidade), Sauveiro-do-Norte, Urubú-Rei (nada raro na Chapada), Sanã-Castanha, Benedito-de-testa-vermelha, Pica-pau-Louro, Pomba-trocal, Udú-de-coroa-azul, Peixe-frito-verdadeiro (a Chapada é dos melhores lugares no país para ver essa “ave-fantasma”, Peixe-frito-pavonino, Murucututú, Coruja- pretaTaperuçú-de-coleira-falha, Topetinho-vermelho, Chifre-de-ouro, Besourão-de-sobre-amarelo, Bico-reto-azul, Beija-flor-vermelho, Surucuá-de-barriga-vermelha, Ariramba-preta, Rapazinho-carijó, Rapazinho-dos-velhos, Tucano-de-bico-preto, Araçari-de-bico-riscado, Arara-vermelha, Maracanã-verdadeira, Papagaio-galego, Maitaca-de-cabeça-azul, Chororozinho-de-bico-comprido, Choca-de-planalto, Choca-de asa-vermelha, Papa-taoca, Choró-boi, Arapaçú-de-Lafresnaye, Fruxú-do-cerradão, Uirapurú-laranja, Uirapurú-cigarra, Soldadinho, Suiriri-da-chapada, Tico-tico-de-bico-preto, Campaínha-azul, Sanhaçu-de-coleira, Bico-de-veludo, Saíra-de-papo-preto, Mineirinho, Bandoleta, Cigarra-do-campo e Sanhaço-de-Fogo.
Outras raridades na Chapada, que se podem encontrar aqui (mas com chance muito menor) incluem: Topetinho-vermelho-do-Brasil-central, Gavião-Real (Harpia), Águia-cinzenta, Tauató-pintado, Papa-lagarta de-Euler, Sabiá-norte-americano, Rei-do-bosque, entre outros.
Lista de aves da Chapada dos Guimarães no Wikiaves: https://www.wikiaves.com.br/cidade.php?c=5103007 Para mais informações, por favor entre em contato!
Com uma diversificada avifauna composta por mais de 400 espécies, que inclui muitos táxons do Cerrado e também várias espécies florestais, (pan-amazônicas e de influência atlântica) a Chapada é um conhecido hotspot de observação de aves desde os anos 80, principalmente por estrangeiros, mas a cada dia vem recebendo mais observadores de aves brasileiros com a popularização desse hobby por aqui.
A Chapada dos Guimarães também é frequentemente é adicionada como extensão nos roteiros que incluem o Pantanal (que fica a cerca de 160km). Entre as espécies da Chapada dos Guimarães que merecem mais destaque estão o Gavião-de-Penacho, Gavião-Pato, Gavião-tesoura (que nidificam dentro da Cidade), Sauveiro-do-Norte, Urubú-Rei (nada raro na Chapada), Sanã-Castanha, Benedito-de-testa-vermelha, Pica-pau-Louro, Pomba-trocal, Udú-de-coroa-azul, Peixe-frito-verdadeiro (a Chapada é dos melhores lugares no país para ver essa “ave-fantasma”, Peixe-frito-pavonino, Murucututú, Coruja- pretaTaperuçú-de-coleira-falha, Topetinho-vermelho, Chifre-de-ouro, Besourão-de-sobre-amarelo, Bico-reto-azul, Beija-flor-vermelho, Surucuá-de-barriga-vermelha, Ariramba-preta, Rapazinho-carijó, Rapazinho-dos-velhos, Tucano-de-bico-preto, Araçari-de-bico-riscado, Arara-vermelha, Maracanã-verdadeira, Papagaio-galego, Maitaca-de-cabeça-azul, Chororozinho-de-bico-comprido, Choca-de-planalto, Choca-de asa-vermelha, Papa-taoca, Choró-boi, Arapaçú-de-Lafresnaye, Fruxú-do-cerradão, Uirapurú-laranja, Uirapurú-cigarra, Soldadinho, Suiriri-da-chapada, Tico-tico-de-bico-preto, Campaínha-azul, Sanhaçu-de-coleira, Bico-de-veludo, Saíra-de-papo-preto, Mineirinho, Bandoleta, Cigarra-do-campo e Sanhaço-de-Fogo.
Outras raridades na Chapada, que se podem encontrar aqui (mas com chance muito menor) incluem: Topetinho-vermelho-do-Brasil-central, Gavião-Real (Harpia), Águia-cinzenta, Tauató-pintado, Papa-lagarta de-Euler, Sabiá-norte-americano, Rei-do-bosque, entre outros.
Lista de aves da Chapada dos Guimarães no Wikiaves: https://www.wikiaves.com.br/cidade.php?c=5103007 Para mais informações, por favor entre em contato!
Chapada dos Guimarães, Nature trip, 2017. I was in Chapada with 2 friends during the Tiradentes national holiday. The tour was guided by Yan, an excellent professional and very helpful, as well as Fabiano, who served us very well from the beginning. 4x4 cars well equipped and maintained. I highly recommend Biodiverse Brazil. Thank you for the excellent service and see you next time, for sure !!
Jaqueline Borges
BrasiliaChapada dos Guimarães, Nature trip, 2018. I was in Chapada with Biodiverse and it couldn't have been better! The place is wonderful and the Biodiverse Brazil team extremely prepared and professional, I learned a lot and had a lot of fun. It was one of my best trips ever! I plan to return soon.
Larissa Eberhardt Prado
Sao PauloPantanal Jaguar Tours 2019 Fabiano is an excellent person and an awesome, professional tour operator and guide. We had an amazing and world class experience along with him under his guidance. I would highly recommend Biodiverse Brazil Tours anytime. Thank you so much Fab for your wonderful hospitality and yes off course your knowledge around pantanal, Amazon etc etc is amazing my friend.
Joel Goulder
Willife photographer – IndiaPantanal, Chapada e Nobres general nature tour 2017 Amazing holiday with Fabiano absolutely unforgettable experience each day brought new wonders! Only the highest of recommendations! Fabiano is so knowledgeable on the wildlife that the wonder combines with learning and education in the most effortless and enjoyable way possible. Congratulations Fabiano see you next time we hope sometime soon
Frances Abbotz Queiroz
Geologist - United Kingdom/ Rio de JaneiroPantanal wildlife photo tour - 2019 I have no words to explain the expertise, knowledge and presence of mind that Fabiano Oliveira brings on board. He was our guide and I was simply amazed by the know-how he possesses and uses that to the fullest. His boat placing, anticipation of the Jaguar movement and behavior, respect and love for wildlife, foresightedness etc are something beyond description. His skills always ensured our sightings were always special. Biodiverse Brazil Tours also have a great team and put up a great show on the logistics part as well. The comfort factor in the boat, the smooth communication and his presence with us always ensured we din’t have to face any language issues. I would very strongly recommend Fabiano and Biodiverse Brazil Tours for any wildlife photography trips in South America.
Subramanya Chandrashekar
Wildlife Photographer, Bangalore – IndiaPantanal wildlife photo tour - 2019 All the days to go to the Pantanal and back was with the wonderful Fabiano who runs Biodiverse Brazil Tours. What can I say about Fabiano? It was an awesome experience with him. Not only is he an absolutely fantastic naturalist but he knows so much about the culture, the history and background of places that we can pepper him with questions and get so much of knowledge about the country. And, yes, his knowledge of the birds and animals and their behaviour is practically encyclopaedic. Most importantly, he is thoroughly professional and knows when to be firm, when to be chilled out. I would highly recommend to anyone going to Brazil.
Ashok Noir
Wildlife photographer – IndiaPantanal, Amazon and Chapada, Natural History Tour 2018 Just got back home after an awesome wildlife safari trip to Brazil. The trip was organized by Michael Ellis of Footloose Forays and guided by the one and only Fabiano Oliveira. This was my second nature trek to Brazil, and the quality of the guide makes all the difference. This time we had Fabiano, so we saw many hard to find species of mammals and birds, from two-toed sloths to harpy eagles. Not to mention lots of jaguars! I was utterly impressed by his remarkably keen eyes and his ability to identify birds just by hearing them in the forest, before we got to see them. His years of studying the wildlife in the Pantanal, the Amazon, and Chapada dos Guimaraes meant we could take advantage of his deep knowledge of the animals. To top it off, Fabiano was a wonderful field companion, always enthusiastic and proud to show off Brazil’s natural beauty. I can’t recommend him highly enough.
Bill Keener
Biologist- California –USAPuma Photography Tour in Chile, 2019: Having just returned from a puma tracking tour in and around Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, I can only say what an incredible job Biodiverse Brazil Tours does putting these trips together: from finding the best puma trackers in Patagonia (and booking their time a year in advance), to obtaining permits, arranging lodging, transportation and food…. all done with both professionalism and enthusiasm. The two local tracker guide system is critical, so that one can scout ahead while the other escorts you into position to photograph the cats. This maximizes your precious days in the field. I found the guides very ethical about not harassing the pumas, while getting us close enough for intimate portraits. These guys are incredible; they know every mountain peak, bird, and plant, as well as the lineages of most of the pumas we saw. Biodiverse Brazil Tours keep their group sizes small, which makes mobility while tracking easier and less intrusive. The lodge has large rooms, with lots of outlets for charging equipment. The food is excellent; the transportation comfortable. The king penguin colony and tour on Tierra Del Fuego was a perfect day one activity before heading to the mountains. I thank you, Fabiano Oliveira, for creating this opportunity to go and spend hours watching pumas (and practicing my wildlife photography skills), while gazing out at that iconic Patagonian landscape. I will return!
Erin Donahue
East Thetford, Vermont, USAPantanal and Atlantic Forest, photo trip 2019 I recently took a 12 day tour with Biodiverse Brazil to photograph birds and mammals of Brazil. The trip was arranged by Fabiano Oliveira of Biodiverse Brazil and covered Itatiaia National Park (3 nights) and the Pantanal (8 nights) spanning two different ecosystems in Brazil. During the planning stages, Fabiano helped put together the perfect itinerary, enabling opportunities to photograph birds well beyond the target list I initially expressed interest in seeing. Starting in Itatiaia National Park (with more than 380 bird species, 50 endemic) the guide spotted the first Long-tailed Potoo ever seen in the Itatiaia Park! (A very exciting day for Brazilian birdwatchers!) The 3 days in Itatiaia were amazing. We saw wonderful hummingbirds, tanagers, and toucans including: The Green-crowned Plovercrest, White-vented Violetear, Sparkling Violetear, Amethyst Woodstar, Black Jacobin, Brown Violetear, Black Eared Fairy, Brazilian Ruby, Green-headed tanager, and Red-necked Tanager, Golden-chevroned Tanager, Blue Dacnis (turquoise honeycreeper), Green-billed Toucan, Toco Toucan, Saffron Toucanet, Long-tailed Tyrant, and the Rufous-capped Antshrike, just to name a few. From Itatiaia we continued via Cuiaba to the Pantanal. My guide was wonderful, with intimate knowledge of the behavior and habits of the mammals and birds, and helped me get many close-up, unique photos. Between the Cuiaba and Paraguay Rivers, we saw 2-3 jaguars each day, and wonderful wildlife of the Pantanal, including the Southern Tamandua (lesser anteater), Crab-eating Fox, Black tailed Marmoset, Howler and Capuchin monkeys, Marsh Deer, Tapir, Giant Otters and of course many Capybaras and Caimans. The birds of the Pantanal are magnificent and I had multiple opportunities to photograph both endemic and migrating birds – including Jabirus, Macaws (Hyacinth and Scarlet), Parrots, Toco-toucans, Aracari, Black Ibis, Roseate Spoonbills, Kingfishers, Southern Screamers, Black collared Hawks, Osprey, Campo Flickers, Cocoi, Tiger and Capped Herons, Egrets, Red-legged Seriemas, and Rheas – (only a fraction of the 1000+ of bird species in the Pantanal) In summary, the Biodiverse Brazil team is amazing! They are highly trained experts and wonderful guides. Whether you are an enthusiast or a seasoned professional, Biodiverse Brazil Tours will exceed your expectations in every way.
Stephanie Arnow
Sonoma – California –USAIt was a genuine pleasure to see the Pantanal and Nobres with Biodiverse Brazil Tours guided privately by Marcos Ardevino. The hikes were well structured with many interesting elements both as to geology, plants and animals. We saw many of the interesting animals that roam in the Pantanal. Marcos has formidable knowledge as an enthusiast for all wildlife and biologist with a master degree. Marcos took us for up to 4 excursions per day. One day from 5 am to 9 pm, the latter with the finding of a tapir with calf and an armadillo. We are amazed of the richness of the fauna. It was also very good to have a guide insightful in the present situation in Brazil for both biome and people. Politics, economy and the world and life at large were discussed and gave us a good insight in Brazil. Marcos speaks good English, a prerequisite for a good trip for us who live outside of the Portuguese language sphere. The lodges and floatel were good with friendly staff and good housekeeping. We would warmly recommend Biodiverse Brazil Tours and Marcos. A trip for life and we believe there is much more to see and do, so on another occasion.
Henrik Hjorth-Hansen
NorwayPantanal, Amazon and Chapada, Natural History Tour 2016 Pumas of Patagonia Chile, photo tour 2019 Pantanal Naturalist River Cruise 2019 I have travelled with Biodiverse Brazil Tours to both Brazil and Chile in small groups. Because they have carefully fostered local connections, they can offer clients itineraries that take you both off the beaten path, as well as in proximity to the big cats we all want to see: namely the jaguars of the Pantanal and the pumas of Patagonia. But because of the guides’ knowledge of the distinct specific ecosystems – whether it is Chapada, Amazonia, or the Pantanal (of Brazil), or much further south in the landscape surrounding Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park, I left having seen and learned so much about these ecosystems and the natural history of the birds, plants, and mammals that live there. In both cases, Fabiano Oliveira worked with us to shape an itinerary to fit our group. His staff handled all the details so thoroughly that trip logistics felt seamless. He has hired excellent guides that are both talented in the field identifying birds and mammals, but who are also good company, with warmth and humor. We are returning to Brazil in the Fall of 2019 for our second visit, and feel grateful to have met Fabiano and some of his staff, who, through guiding tours, are practicing their own form of activism. As we fall in love with lands distant or near, may we all help preserve them!
Erin Donahue, Willife photographer
East Thetford, Vermont, USAPantanal Wildife Tour 2020 We‘ve had the trip of our lives! Although we went during the rainy season we saw Jaguars, Otters, a Tayra, Monkeys, etc. and a magnificent variety of birds! Fabiano is THE guide! He knows the wildlife, knows all the rivers and where to look for animals and is a genuinely great guy!! All was perfectly organized, the places of accommodation were great and the food excellent!! If you are excited about nature and wildlife, Fabiano is your man! We’ll be back!!
Constantin Malik
United Kingdom/SwitzerlandWe have just being in Chapada dos Guimarães with the Biodiverse team and it made all the difference, service, professionals, punctuality, itinerary and guaranteed fun. I was with two children on this tour and the care of Fabiano and his guides to assist us or even adapt the itineraries. Surprised, overcame and we will come back again (next is Pantanal) Just compliments to you! Our desire to return soon increases a lot.
Ricardo and Family
São Paulo - BrazilBiodiverse Brazil Tours shaped a custom trip for us that would take us to three distinct ecosystems: Amazonia, the Pantanal and Chapada. Our guide, Fabiano Oliveira, had an excellent, intimate local knowledge of each environment. He also has an exuberant, giving personality, anxious to answer any questions regarding the natural history and the interplay of the various creatures on the environment. This company understands the need for extreme emphasis on conservation and valuing the natural resources of our magnificent planet. The guides they use are not only talented at finding wildlife, but their knowledge of natural history is sound. We shared great discussions in the field and over the dinner table about the scientific mechanisms that underlie natural history. A feast for the mind as well as an incredible experience.
Charlie Berger, East Thetford, Vermont
Veterinarian - Natural History Lecturer“Pantanal is my backyard, I visit the area since 1987 and I’ve been there more than 30 times. Nowadays when I go to the Pantanal, either for professional filming assignments, or to lead photographic tours or just to relax with the family, I leave all the logistics with Fabiano Oliveira and Biodiverse Brazil Tours”
Lawrence Wahba, National Geographic filmmaker
Emmy awarded - São Paulo Brazil